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What's Double Dipping?!

California Dreamin'

Double dipping is a great way to achieve a bronze tan drastically!

You'll start off by using one of our Double Dip tanning lotion that is a powerful intensifier with Tyrosine to help promote UV melanin production that will give

you a great base! Plus add in Optimum pH Serum

which helps to optimize skin's pH balance for rapid, sunless color development.

Right after your tanning session, you'll head right into the Spray Tan room and get a Sunless Spray Tan!

There's a couple pros to Double Dipping. The first is that when you use the tanning bed it will open up your pores for you to receive a darker, longer lasting tan for when you get spray tanned immediately after. Also using the bed will give you a base tan so when you layer that spray tan on top of it, you'll notice longer results from having that base color underneath!

Double Dipping is a great option if you're in a pinch and need a dark tan FAST! We've added Double Dipping as a service on our booking page! This tanning package comes with 1 Tanning session, 1 Tanning Lotion Packet, and a Sunless Spray Tan!

2023 - California Dreamin' Tanning Salon & Spa

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